Inyathelo staff and associates have put together a list of the books on Advancement which they refer to the most in their work. These books are available in our Resource Centre.

  1. Beyond Fundraising by Grace K. Sprinkel (1997)
  2. Prospect Research: A Primer for Growing Nonprofits by Cecilia Hogan (2008)
  3. Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits: Real-World Strategies that work by Ilona Bray (2008)
  4. Attracting Support Kit for NPOs (ASK) by Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement (2010)
  5. Developing Your Case for Support by Timothy Seiler (2001)
  6. Achieving excellence in Fundraising by Henry A. Rosso, Eugene Tempel and Eva E. Aldrich (2010)
  7. Fundraising for Dummies by John Mutz and Katherine Murray (2000)
  8. The Zen of Fundraising by Ken Burnett (2006)
  9. The Everything Fundraising Book by Richard Mintzer and Sam Friedman (2003)
  10. Advancing Philanthropy in South Africa by Shelagh Gastrow and Anna Vayanos (2006)