Inyathelo staff and associates have put together a list of the books on Advancement which they refer to the most in their work. These books are available in our Resource Centre.
- Beyond Fundraising by Grace K. Sprinkel (1997)
- Prospect Research: A Primer for Growing Nonprofits by Cecilia Hogan (2008)
- Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits: Real-World Strategies that work by Ilona Bray (2008)
- Attracting Support Kit for NPOs (ASK) by Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement (2010)
- Developing Your Case for Support by Timothy Seiler (2001)
- Achieving excellence in Fundraising by Henry A. Rosso, Eugene Tempel and Eva E. Aldrich (2010)
- Fundraising for Dummies by John Mutz and Katherine Murray (2000)
- The Zen of Fundraising by Ken Burnett (2006)
- The Everything Fundraising Book by Richard Mintzer and Sam Friedman (2003)
- Advancing Philanthropy in South Africa by Shelagh Gastrow and Anna Vayanos (2006)