Human Capacity

People remain an organisation’s most valuable asset. Whether engaged in programme or Advancement activities, organisations should seek to employ staff with the right skills, experience and attitude. Within the Advancement paradigm – where various areas of work are integrated – everyone has a role to play in the sustainability of the organisation; all activities contribute to Advancement objectives – it isn’t limited to the leadership nor fundraising teams. Moreover, when looking at an organisation’s capacity in terms of its people, remember to consider the role of board members, volunteers, partners, etc.

This section features articles on mapping your organisation’s key stakeholders; managing human capacity as part of your Advancement planning; tips on identifying roles and responsibilities, skills, qualities, experiences to consider for your organisation.


Handy Hints For Hot Desking

Prompted by the pandemic, many managers and start-ups have reconsidered office working spaces. Hot desking is one option – allocating seating to staff as required, rather than each worker established at their own desk. How do...

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