Blackbaud highlighted:
“In 2013, non-profits must adjust to operate within the new norm of uncertainty created by persistent economic and regulatory challenges amidst a shifting supporter demographic,” said Marc Chardon, Blackbaud’s president and chief executive officer. “But while challenges certainly exist for the non-profit sector, there are also opportunities for organisations to use technology to deliver on their missions in a very effective, scalable and real-time way.”
Blackbaud’s four key trends in the non-profit sector for postulate that:
1. Increase in charitable giving will not be dramatic
2. The non-profit sector will go through a revaluing process
3. Technology will play a major role for both non-profits and their supporters
4. The world is shrinking and philanthropic borders are broadening
Global connectivity is continually creating room to develop innovative ways to improve service delivery in our various sectors. At the same time, the more globally interconnected we are, the greater the need to compete for resources in the most cost-effective way possible.
Nell Edington (Huffington Post) brought to light similar trends to watch out for early last year (2012), which can also do well in informing decision making for the next few months. The first on the list was for more demand in outcomes, which would result in non-profits being adequately evaluated and rated based on the results being achieved. A growing emphasis on non-profit overhead – was projected thus a move to invest in programmes that have the human capacity, infrastructure and fundraising strategies to bring them to fruition was advised. Advocacy for the sector was noted to be increasingly recognised as important, especially with changes in legislation directly related to non-profit organisations in South Africa. Bearing in mind the current economic environment, donors are holding tighter to their money especially in the face of organisations which are not able to address and solve the social problems sufficiently.
All these projections in mind, maintaining relationships through the year will also allow you to stay in touch with your own professional growth, build networks while achieving your goals. Robyn Mendez gives the following useful tip:
Reserve Time Everyday for Personal Outreach
“The key to successful fundraising is building strong relationships. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the hub bub of event prep that we fail to regularly complete this simple, mission critical activity. Help make outreach a priority by setting up a recurring meeting in your outlook calendar to spend the first hour of everyday to make personal connection to the team captains, fundraisers and volunteers that make your event successful.
Establishing personal relationships with these key people will help them become more connected to you thereby making them more connected to your event and more importantly to the mission of your organization.
Quick ideas for what to do during this hour: make calls, write thank you notes, leave a little early & drop off goodies (I’m a fan of Breakfast Taco Tuesdays!), post a personal note on someone’s facebook page.”- Robyn Mendez
Ensuring a wholesome work experience requires, that you take the above into account to achieve your greater organisational goals. Good luck as you look back and learn from the year past and cheers to more successful future!!
Charleston, S.C. (2013). Highlights: Key non-profit sector trends to watch. Blackbaud, January 08, 2013.
Edgington, N. (2012) Original Article:
Mendez, Robyn. (2013). 2013 Event Fundraising Resolutions. NPEngage, January 04, 2012.