Who are we?

Inyathelo is a non-profit organisation that works to sustain and strengthen civil society organisations and grow local philanthropy in support of a vibrant democracy in South Africa. The three pillars of our work are: strengthening civil society as a key component in our democracy; building the capacity of higher education to raise private resources to ensure that the intellectual heart of the country continues to beat; and developing a philanthropic movement in South Africa to support both civil society and our anchor institutions.

What do we do?

  • Provide Advancement and fundraising resources, training  and support to NPOs
  • Assist universities to establish effective Advancement and fundraising operations
  • Promote the development of a philanthropic movement in South Africa

And how do we help?

  • Advocate support for civil society
  • Grow and share knowledge (about Advancement and sustainable giving)
  • Develop capacity and skills (to create Advancement practitioners that help mobilise resources for civil society organisations and institutions)
  • Provide support and advice (to institutions, civil society organisations and their staff about sustainability)

For more about Inyathelo visit our website on www.inyathelo.org.za.